From the travelogue of Professor Donis, hunter of legends and collector of mythical trophies
Suggested classification:
Day 5: We’ve come to the exotic archipelago known as the Philippines in search of a local tuber, Ube. We’ve been advised to wear our shirts inside-out as we search the forest, to avoid being cursed. Another fascinating local superstition.
Day 17: Wandering for weeks. Can’t find our way back out. Caught in endless loops. Mirages and confusing sounds. Voices. Food becoming a concern.
Day 29: Serendipity! Met a local guide in the forest after we finally turned our jackets inside-out. Older fellow, guided us out. Sold us a bushel of Ube at an outrageous price in Spanish gold. He smelled like horse and old blood, but he saved our lives. Told we’d been too loud. What on Earth does that mean?
Day 32: The locals fled to their houses when we finally found the village again. Our elderly guide seems to have vanished.